Thursday, March 28, 2013


Maeda Atsuko declares she won’t be participating in AKB48’s upcoming General Election.
Oh, good. Is she insane?? How could the most popular member to do not take the chance to win a new thing again. Well, I think that as Meetan, she wants fans to see a difference between Then and Now...
But honestly....... WHAT??


  1. this is a logical step..

    her, to join the sousenkyo have more negative sides than positive..

    she graduated as "goddess" and "legend", let that be..

    why should stain her reputation by rejoining? with a probability of losing (yuuko have a year more exposure to the world than acchan atm)

    1. know that....
      sad for that...
      I understand.

      Thank you for being the first person to comment on this blog.
