Thursday, February 28, 2013

1905 Acchan Dreams are Gone

Atsuko Maeda's "1905" Movie Cancelled
It was today announced that Maeda Atsuko's movie, entitled "1905", also starring Matsuda Shota and Tony Cheung, was canceled.
As usually, China and Japan are like rams, head into head. They just can't stop fighting for a second. Both wants a big worldwide power and fight fight fight. It's annoying. And I can't believe that it could have such an effect. I am done hoping for something good coming from China, except JunJun and LinLin. It's boring. Starting today, it's totally boring this kind of battle.
Well, I am sad about this movie's fate. I hoped it to be a great thing, because I love all, I love Acchan, Matsuda Shota and movies. But The Life Is Life, Man!

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