Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My AKB48 Top Member

File:AKB48 - So long! (promo).jpg
As I said yesterday, today is a new About Me day. Today is the day of my AKB48 Top 10(wish I could make Top 48 but I am totally too lazy today.) Members. Well, I still have something to do but I am done with lot of commenting why I like or not that song. I like it. I am done!
Lavinyaa's AKB48 Top 10 Members

Mariko Shinoda
Shinoda Mariko
I can't stop telling you what I like about each one. So, my tenth favorite is Shinoda Mariko. She's the Mariko-sama and she really deserved a big place here.

Mayu Watanabe
Watanabe Mayu
Yeah, I am doing shorter reasons than yesterday. I'm too lazy. But back to Mayuyu, she's so cute. I had to rank her even if before she wasn't ranked in my top 10. She's so cute. But within all this beauty she can't really rank higher than this for me. Well, beating Mariko-sama is something and I really like Mayuyu.
Rino Sashihara
Sashihara Rino
I think I haven't mentioned before but we will also have here some sister groups' members, like Sasshi. But Sasshi has been once in my top three. I think it's rude and impolite for me to do not rank her in Top 10. Eighth place is nice and it's not like I started to un-like her, she's as amazing and beautiful and talented as usually. It's just that she's an AKB48 member more than a HKT48 member. And I really want to rank her higher
Yuki Kashiwagi
Kashiwagi Yuki
Yukirin is wow and she deserves a place here, and she deserves a place this high. Truth to be told, she was once my oshimen but now I finally decided who's her and finally making my complete top she ended at 7th place. It's good for her and this seat it's really good for her. And her debut single helped to rank her higher. Really!
Tomomi Itano
Itano Tomomi
She's the girl that brought me into AKB48 and I really want to thank her and I am sad about her upcoming graduation. But as in Acchan's case, her rank suddenly grew together with her graduation announcement. I guess this happens to lots of people. But the truth is that I don't want to graduate. The first love is never forgotten and I am scared about her leaving AKB48 as I might do not give her attention again. I want her to stay the Itano Tomomi we know.
Yuko Oshima
Oshima Yuko
Could AKB48 be same without her? Would AKB48 be AKB48 without her? The new center and one absolutely amazing, beautiful, perfect member. That's our dear Yuuko, Oshima Yuuko. Team K's new captain and also perhaps AKB48's new face. As she was always popular and dear to me, she had to rank high, within all those feelings of mine I decided to put her at fifth position. She's amazing and I know that she could be ranked higher but for me it's enough.
Haruna Kojima
Kojima Haruna
Do I really have enough words to describe Kojiharu? She's amazing, awesome, beautiful, sexy, cool, cute(sometimes), gorgeous, mature, fabulous and many more. She's just stunning and that's what I like about her. She's one of most beautiful Japanese girls and she deserves that. She also does her best and has a splendid voice that can be recognized in thousand girls. She's special and unique.
Minami Takahashi
Takahashi Minami
Takamina is the best leader and the only one who could be AKB48's leader. She's a model and she's really amazing. After thinking where and where to put her and I decided that she's perfect for 3rd place.  And here she is.
Jurina Matsui
Matsui Jurina
Jurina is a fresh girl that brings some new breezes in AKB48. That's why I always love new girls and I love Team 4. Such a freshness is really neeeded. Plus that she's a super child. At 15-16 years old to be the only girl on the cover of an AKB48 single and to be the center of a super popular group like SKE48. Yeah, she's so cool
THE BIG #1 is 
Miyazawa Sae
She's my number #1 because she's a boyish girl like me. She's beautiful and talented at both singing and dancing. She has personality and she is a GENKING in AKB48. Sae-chan deserves more attention and I hope people hear me when I say that she should be ranked higher in any ranks, including the Senbatsu Sosenkyo.

This was the members thing. Tomorrow I will do the songs one.

1 comment:

  1. Miyazawa Sae is awesome! she'd defiantly be in my top 10... I love her, cuz she's such a tomboy and she's different from normal idols.
